PMPから年末年始のご挨拶 Seasons Greetings PMP

PMPから年末年始のご挨拶 Seasons Greetings PMP

各    位


PMPではコロナ禍の2021年以降、お客様向けや関係者各位へ Seasons Greeting Card の発行に代えて、メールや PMPホームページ上での年末年始のご挨拶とさせていただいておりますが、一方で、日本の伝統である年賀状の取扱量が減少傾向にあるとのニュースに触れると、何とはなしに寂しい思いもしています。







PMP スタッフ一同


Dear valued clients and friends:

As we near the end of 2024, we reflect on the year behind us.

With the postal rate increase in October, Japan Post has reportedly prepared for approximately 25% fewer New Year’s cards compared with last year.

At PMP, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we replaced the sending of Seasons Greeting Cards to our clients and stakeholders with greetings sent via email and updates posted on our website.

However, on hearing news about the decline in the volume of traditional Japanese New Year’s cards this stirs a sense of nostalgia and slight melancholy.

As we look back on 2024, how was the year for you?

In addition to international affairs, Japan has faced political and economic uncertainties, making it a year marked by increasing unpredictability.

We imagine it has been an especially busy year for many of you and hence your hard work throughout the year should be much appreciated.

Now, let us inform you of PMP’s year-end and New Year schedule.
Our last business day of 2024 will be the morning of Friday, December 27.
We will be fully closed from Saturday, December 28, through Sunday, January 5, 2025.

We sincerely thank our valued clients and stakeholders for your exceptional support throughout 2024. On behalf of all the PMP team, we extend our deepest gratitude.

As we welcome 2025, we wish you a year filled with prosperity and happiness and look forward to your continued warm support.

With best regards,
The PMP Team